Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Courses 

Do you experience vitality and strenght and are you looking forward to what will come with curiosity and an open mind? Or do you suffer from stress, pain, anxiety, panic, depression, emotional reactivity, sleeplessness, physical conditions, unhealthy (thought) patterns and addictions? Often these are related to  trauma or high sensitivity. It is miraculous how and when something will resolve into happiness.  Hypnotherapy  and coaching help you directly to free your vital energy and give you back your capability to manage your own mind, emotions and wellbeing. Hereby you are able to wisely, tender en respectfully respond to your circumstances. How would it be to embody your innate gifts and qualities?  Also for those who are working through grief and loss. 

Approach Individual sessions 
First of all I am totally present for you with an open heart and a silent mind.  By this you will soon reach the core and experience support, clarity and vigor. Depending on your wishes and what you want, we will find out what best suites to your needs: hypnotherapy, solution based coaching, TRE and bodywork. 
Individual sessions last around one hour and can be live (face to face) or via a digital platform (Zoom, Skype). 

Meditation meetings, Workshop and Course Enneagram
Because I love it to investigate and discover together, being deeply touched by the simplicity and deep universal truth that came to me by several teachers and spiritual traditions and how to integrate these in ordinairy life, I offer the following:
  • Two-weekly meditation hour. Every meeting we explore another chapter of a book, to inquire into ourselves, for meditation and contemplation. 
  • Workshop, Course and Integration-meeting 'Being a True Friend & The Enneagram of Transformation'. You will discover and experience how the Enneagram can support you to have a quiet mind and an open heart, not taking anything personally. 
  • For an ALL Game group session we take a full day reservation at my address or at your location.

The first step

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You are more than welcome to contact me with any questions you might have or if you'd like to see if you feel like I am someone you could work with on your personal journey.

Please fill in the registration form and I will call or mail you to make an appointment. 

Alternatively, you can also email or call me directly (Mon-Fri 9 am-6pm). Please do leave a message and your telephone number if I am not able to answer. 
Of course, such a meeting is without any obligation or fee. 


About me

A profound interest in healing and transformation is the motivation for my spiritual journey as well as for my continuing development as True Friend, therapist, bodyworker and mentor. How mind and body -beliefs and experience - influence each other is amazing to me and has ignited my journey. To discover that, what is always true and unchangeable, anchors me in Silence and wonder. 

Curious and joyfully inspired, I see myself as attentive, versatile, light and with a practical focus. Truth, love and quality drive me in work and in life. 

It is my devotion to be a 'True Friend', with an open heart and a quiet mind. To support you where nesessary, to guide you to till your soil -regarding to what you want- and to awaken the memory inside you, of being Whole already. 
More information


If you are looking for a guide or therapist, book a free online consultation.

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