Courses Meditation

Meditation - Contemplation

We contemplate on the content of a book...
In being silent together, we share our insights and question our beliefs, with guided meditations and inquiry,
in openess en stillness, respectful amongst each other.  

Group meetings only on location 

Two-weekly gatherings

What for?

Reset: for physical and mental recovery. Silence, acceptance, relaxation, wonder and wisdom. A deep sense of timeless peace. Perceive and use your energy in a more healthy way. Self-knowledge for clarity in your feelings, beliefs and functioning. 
Broadening your view and scope. Surprising and applicable answers and solutions to life questions. Clarity about what you really want, so you can make happy choices. 
The joy of sharing your questions, realizations and gifts.  


Two weekly meditation hour, prepared by all having read a chapter of a book. 
Related to insights, questions and realizations of what we have read, we  do guided and silent meditations and self-inquiry.  Friendly bodywork contributes to being aware of our body, to let go our tensions and integrate our insights in the here and now.

We will pay attention to how, whatever you discover, might be an anchor for you on your own life's path. 


We come together in person in my meditation-room.
Before every meeting, participants have read the (next) chapter in the book.

Every participant is present for her-/himself,  with the intention to turn inward and to share their discoveries and questions, and doing the exercises with an open mind.

It is all about discovering the value of the text for yourself and also how that which may seem serious, also can be light.

Meditation hour (two-weekly)

A book about Silence, about 'Who am I?', about liberation: every two weeks you read a chapter. 

I love it to share what I love. I am deeply touched by Ramana, his wisdom, his compassion and his transmission. 

Our meetings are about closer looking at what we have read, question it and discover how it could benefit us in our day-to-day life. Participants are invited to share their own insights and ask what might have come up as questions. With my guidance in the form of meditations and exercises, I connect what we have read and what participants bring forward. 

These gatherings are based in silence and respect, give an anchor, a resting place for stability and insight for us to meet our challenges and our search for fulfillment. 

Two-weekly, at Tuesday-morning or at Monday-evening
  • Morning meeting: on Tuesday from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM. Start: January 10th 2023. Dates (12x) : January 10 and 24, Februari 7 and 21, March 7 and 21, April 4 and 18, May 2 and 16, June 6 and 20. 
  • Evening meeting: on Monday from 8-9 PM. Dates will published soon. 

Location, number of participants
  • Meditation room, 2e Schuytstraat 216 The Hague
  • Max. participants: 8
€180,- plus costs of the book.

Book for January-June 2023
uitgeverij juwelenschip.

‘Ramana is het Opperwezen zelf dat in de vorm van Kennis in de harten van alle levende wezens verblijft.

Het zal u duidelijk worden als uw hart in liefde bloeit en u het oog der wijsheid opent en de waarheid ziet’.

Ramana spreekt hier niet over zichzelf als individu, maar over zijn diepste essentie, die samenvalt met die van alle andere levende wezens.


Het allerbelangrijkste inzicht, zo leerde hij de mensen om hem heen, kon iemand alleen uit zichzelf halen door zich de vraag te stellen:

“Wie ben ik?” (p. 27). 

Practical information

These meetings are held on location 

Please bring your own meditation cushion (chairs available for who is not comfortable at a meditation cushion). 
Loose clothing, and if desired, a blanket or warm shawl. 
A notebook and a pen. 

Pay here

Please pay after filling in the registration form.

Registration Courses Meditation and Enneagram

Ondergetekende verplicht zich, wanneer hij/zij zich inschrijft voor het wekelijks meditatie-uur, een zelfgekozen strippenkaart te betalen waarvan het bedrag wordt overgemaakt op bankrekening NL41 BUNQ 2047 3406 91 t.n.v. M.-C.S.A. de Kroon, o.v.v. ‘meditatie-uur’. Wanneer hij/zij zich inschrijft voor de Meditatiecursus verplicht ondergetekende zich om uiterlijk 14 dagen vóór aanvang het verschuldigde bedrag over te maken op genoemd bankrekeningnummer. Met het invullen van dit aanmeldformulier en het akkoord gaan met de Algemene Voorwaarden is uw deelname gegarandeerd. 

Read here: Conditions for participation in Meditation meetings and Meditation course.

Meditation & Contemplation

Coming home 
The primal longing that all myths are about 
Seeking free the Heart, the Source In Love. 
Being aware that you feel unfulfilled, displaced, alienated 
Or if you suddenly find yourself in front of the block and the intensity seems unbearable: 
Everything invites you to open up 
To go, to explore, to meet, to be received. 

The wave rises from the sea 
Comes to a height that it can no longer hold, breaks 
And dissolves in itself 
Where it is at home ... 
Discovers to be the sea itself.
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